Blood Orange and Ginger Almond Cake

I havent seemed to be around here at all since the new year. I’ve been spending my days wrapped up in home yoga, enjoying a more savoury side of cooking and trying to cram in as much time with family and friends as I can. As much as I’ve missed my blogging internet self, It was some much-needed time to re-ground myself and remember whats important to me in preparation for a great year to follow.

I havent set any fancy new years resolutions this year, just one. To welcome the coming year with an open heart and open mind (and also looking after my self as a number one priority, but this should just be a given!)

Yes ok, cake isn’t exactly nourishing food but it is nourishment for the soul. Life would be pure hell without the little pleasures.

Blood oranges are a charming fruit to grab while they’re still around. I love how unsuspecting they look from the outside. As soon as you cut through that ordinary peel, you’re hit with a citrus sweet fragrance and an eyeful of juicy burnt orange flesh. Every time I cut into one I’m amazed at the colour.

I decided to make this cake using mostly ground almonds as it gives a great texture contrast to the squidgey orange pieces. Adding in a dash of ground ginger really brings the blood oranges and the sponge together. We’re finally coming out of the depths of winter and gearing up for all of the gleaming fruits and vegetables to come this spring. Cooking delicious food becomes an easy task when nature does all the work for you.


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Rhubarb and Raspberry Cobbler (with a hint of Grapefruit)


Rhubarb will always have a special place in my heart, as does most seasonal fruit. Although, Rhubarb has a certain charm that entices me every year without fail more so than anything else. I obsess over it at work; wanting every dish to contain Rhubarb and its lustrous hue. There isn’t a way Rhubarb has been baked, stewed, compressed or poached that I haven’t enjoyed. My most favourite being hearty chunks macerated in sugar for an hour or two, eaten in their raw state with a little hint of sweetness to tone down that bite.

I adore the moment when its juices gets you round the teeth; you love it and hate it at the same time, a flavour unlike anything else and immediately recognisable.

I’ve never made a cobbler before and only eaten it once. I’m more inclined to lean toward a crumble because that’s what my British roots have instilled in me. However, this time, I felt like I wanted more of a cakey topping so I turned to the cobbler instead. I paired Rhubarb with fresh Raspberries and a large squeeze of Red Grapefruit to really intensify the bitterness against the sweet doughy topping. Adding in ground and roughly chopped almonds into the dough gives the cobbler a delicate nutty flavour.

Hands down, my favourite part to a cobbler is the variety in texture. One mouthful is crunchy, crisp and clean and the next is a smack in the mouth filled with sharp Rhubarb juices and soggy dough that’s been drinking it all up.


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